Learn to be a better designer from over 112 Global creatives
We’ve been interviewing your favourite designers to learn how they started, how they grow and what makes them successful
Kristy Campbell
When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? I realised I wanted to be a designer when I took my very first graphic design class at school in year 9 (13 years old). I’m not exaggerating when I say that I realised I wanted to be a designer after only taking about...
James Barnard
When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? I came to graphic design late in the grand scheme of things. I worked as a researcher for a database when I first left university and moved to London, and as part of my job I was tasked with creating a company...
Carsten Glock
When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? It’s hard to pinpoint an exact moment. Drawing floorplans of huge buildings when I was six or seven is probably one of my first creative memories, but back then I didn’t really know what a designer was. I think the...
Sarah Fleming
1. When did you realise you wanted to get into the creative industry? I very much doubt he’ll ever see this, but I owe a lot to my art teacher at secondary school. He opened up the possibility of turning something I was talented at, but saw as a hobby, into the...
Kurt Kretten
1. When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? I was a comic book nerd. I wanted to be a comic book artist. And I don’t think I ever wanted to be a designer, but in High School I started to have an itch for telling stories that was never satisfied by art....
Ilya Sizov
1. When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? As a teenager in the late 90s, which was a time famous for its cultural (or, to be precise, subcultural) trends. Back then, I was listening to nu-metal and dreaming of playing bass and having a pair of aggressive...
Andy Sexton
1. When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? The creative arts were neglected to the point of irrelevance throughout my (grammar school) education. Growing up disliking school immensely, there was always an anti-establishment aura around art, music and design...
Sara Urasini
1. When did you realise you wanted a career in design? My interest in art and languages began at a young age. Growing up in Italy everyone starts to decide their career paths at sound 13 years of age. I thought about pursuing languages as my best career option. I...
James Wood
1. When did you realise you wanted to be a designer? I remember it was in my later years of high school. We had an IT project to setup a database for a local business. I selected a local Golf Course and spent more time redesigning the crest and colour scheme than the...
Design News and Inspiration
20 of the Best Procreate Brushes
The Procreate App for iPad Pro is fast becoming one of the most popular go-to apps for professionals and hobbyist designers alike. The app is a game changer for artists as it transforms the iPad into a drawing table and allows artists to achieve the same outcome that...
How to create a strong brand identity
A brand identity is the visual elements of the brand such as logo, colour and the design that separates the brand from the competition in the eyes of the consumer. A strong identity should be memorable, easily identifiable and consistent. Having a strong brand...
9 Top Remote Graphic Design Jobs Websites
Being a designer in a world of seemingly endless remote graphic design jobs means you can basically work from just about anywhere if you so choose. But finding quality remote graphic design jobs is sometimes easier said than done. Not only is it tough competing with...
How Important is Design in 2019? 23 Experts Share their Views
With all the "design it yourself" websites and cheap design services popping up, we asked 23 top designers to share their thoughts on how essential design is right now. Here's what they said...Aaron Draplin For 2019? I'm hoping my answer applies to 2018, and all...
Is Your Social Media Helping or Hurting Your Design Business?
“Social media isn’t working – I post regularly but it’s not bringing me any new clients.” That’s the most frequent complaint I hear about social media from freelance designers, and other creative professionals, for that matter. This does not surprise me because most...
Birmingham Design Festival 2018
As a designer based in the Midlands in the UK, I want to shout loud about the forthcoming Birmingham Design Festival in the Summer 2018. This will be a chance to celebrate the breadth of talent in and around the City over four full days of workshops, talks,...
The Tragedy of Hourly Pricing
For years, I’ve been on record against pricing creative services by the hour. My main beef is simple: the better you get at what you do, the less time it will take and, when you price hourly, the less you will earn. This is a tragedy and doesn’t make sense in the...
Where and How to Use Icons in Your Designs
Just about every app and website uses icons. In fact, you’ve probably used then in many projects, but why did you use icons and how do you know you used them in the right places? That question keeps even the most experienced web and app designers scratching their...
The best graphic design podcasts
I love listening to and creating graphic design podcasts. It’s a medium that provides options to go deep and connect with an audience. In times of short messages and notifications it’s a haven of value and knowledge. I would love to guide you trought the landscape of...