Ikonthology — The Visual Compendium of Fictional Icons

Ikonthology — The Visual Compendium of Fictional Icons

We live in a world of symbols and iconography. Indeed, icons are the staples that keep modern society together. As you drive down a residential street, you know instinctively what a big red octagon means “stop” long before you’re close enough to read it. As you stroll...
How to Create the Perfect Graphic Design Portfolio

How to Create the Perfect Graphic Design Portfolio

If you’re a designer, one of the best ways to attract clients to work with you is to showcase what you do with a killer portfolio. The perfect graphic design portfolio does the leg work for you, catching the eye of clients and reducing the amount of chasing you have...
Best laptop chargers for remote designers

Best laptop chargers for remote designers

It’s likely as a designer in 2021 that you’re doing your best work from home. It’s also likely that your meetings with clients and teammates will be via Zoom. You need to keep your laptop fully charged as much as possible and as quickly as possible....
Photoshop vs. Procreate: A Comparison Guide

Photoshop vs. Procreate: A Comparison Guide

If you are a graphic designer or digital illustrator, finding the right program matters. In the modern age, it’s never been easier to find apps and software that can help you achieve various designs, aesthetics, and objectives. However, when it comes to OG...
Discover Photoshop’s Best New Features for 2021

Discover Photoshop’s Best New Features for 2021

Whether you’re a Photoshop pro or new to the software, you will be delighted with the new features that Adobe has added to the graphics editor for 2021. Since it was created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll, Photoshop has not only become the industry standard for...
How Ancient Symbols Can Benefit Modern Design

How Ancient Symbols Can Benefit Modern Design

My name is Michela Graziani. I’m a creative designer based in Rome, Italy. I want to talk to you today about symbols. I love symbols. I love the prevalence and permanence of the symbols in our world. I love that some symbols are transitory. I love learning the stories...
20 of the Best Procreate Brushes

20 of the Best Procreate Brushes

The Procreate App for iPad Pro is fast becoming one of the most popular go-to apps for professionals and hobbyist designers alike. The app is a game changer for artists as it transforms the iPad into a drawing table and allows artists to achieve the same outcome that...